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Application advantages and principles of platinum rhodium thermocouple and analysis of temperature measurement range

by:JVTIA     2022-01-31
Nowadays, platinum-rhodium thermocouples are still relatively widely used in the industrial chemical industry, especially in the production of power plants, chemical production, high-temperature furnaces, etc., almost all of them use platinum-rhodium thermocouples as temperature measuring elements. Other types of thermocouples The proportion is small. Large-scale enterprise projects use reliable platinum-rhodium thermocouples. The main reason is that platinum-rhodium thermocouples have many advantages. The advantages of platinum-rhodium thermocouple are mainly accurate measurement, good temperature performance, high temperature resistance, long service life, and it can be suitable for different oxidizing and inert atmospheres. It has a wide range of applications and fields. It is used as a temperature sensing element. Generally, it needs to be used in conjunction with temperature transmitters, display instruments, etc., as a complete set of thermal engineering for temperature control. The temperature measurement range of platinum rhodium thermocouples is very wide, and it can measure gases, liquids, and solids in the range of 0 to 1800°. It can also be used for steam measurement. The working principle of platinum-rhodium thermocouple: The working principle of platinum-rhodium thermocouple is that platinum-rhodium thermocouple is composed of two conductors of different components connected to form a loop. When the temperature of the two junctions is different, heat will be generated in the loop. Current. If there is a temperature difference between the working end of the thermocouple and the reference end, the display instrument will indicate the temperature value corresponding to the thermoelectric potential generated by the thermocouple. Platinum and rhodium thermocouples are divided into multiple models according to the difference in measurement temperature. When the measured temperature is normal at 1000~1300 ℃, it is recommended to use a single platinum rhodium thermocouple (platinum rhodium 10-platinum), if the measured temperature is normal at 1200~ It is recommended to use a dual platinum rhodium thermocouple (platinum rhodium 30-platinum rhodium 6) at 1600°C, so that the service life of the platinum rhodium thermocouple can be guaranteed within the used temperature range. The platinum rhodium thermocouple is a precious metal thermocouple. The diameter of the couple wire is specified as 0.5mm, and the allowable deviation is -0.015mm. The nominal chemical composition of the positive electrode (BP) is platinum-rhodium alloy, which contains 30% rhodium and 70% platinum, and the negative electrode (BN) is platinum-rhodium alloy. The rhodium content is 6%, so it is commonly called double platinum rhodium thermocouple. The long-term high use temperature of the thermocouple is 1600°C, and the short-term high use temperature is 1800°C.
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