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Thermocouple head

B type thermocouple double platinum rhodium platinum rhodium - 30 Platinum rhodium 6 _ instrument

by:JVTIA     2020-10-29
B type thermocouple double platinum rhodium platinum rhodium - 30 Platinum rhodium 6, this is a kind of precious metal high temperature thermocouple, platinum rhodium 30 as positive, platinum, rhodium 6 for the anode, the index number is b. Since both hot electrode is platinum rhodium, thus increasing the pollution resistance and mechanical strength, its thermal properties are stable at high temperatures, appropriate use in oxidizing and neutral atmosphere, in a vacuum can be used short term. Long-term use of high temperature can reach 1600 ℃, short-term use temperature to 1800 ℃. The thermocouple thermoelectric potential and thermoelectric potential rates are small and, therefore, the cold end temperature below 40 ℃, when using the cold end temperature compensation generally don't have to.
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