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Brief introduction of bag air duct

by:JVTIA     2022-03-21
The bag air duct, also known as the fiber fabric air duct, is a flexible air distribution system woven by special fibers. It mainly relies on the unique air outlet mode of fiber penetration and orifice jet, and can supply air evenly. The end system of the air. In the world's frozen food industry in the 1960s and 1970s, in order to meet the special requirements of large cooling capacity and low wind speed in the refrigeration area, HVAC engineers in various countries have tried to make air outlets with ordinary cotton fiber fabrics, which are shaped like cloth bags (SOCKS). The same is true in the 1950s and 1960s in China. There were many cases of the installation of cloth bag air ducts in the refrigeration and refrigeration industry, referred to as cloth bag air ducts.
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Using high-quality materials to produce resistance temperature detector is one of the most important part during manufacturing.
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