The raw material of JVTIA DS18B20 undergoes a rigorous selection procedure. Mould, mildew, fungus, etc. won't appear on its surface
JVTIA DS18B20 is designed and manufactured under the supervision of experts by employing the latest technology following industry standards. The product is characterized by outstanding flexibility
The raw materials of JVTIA DS18B20 are procured and selected from reliable vendors in the industry. The product comes with premium chemical stability, thus it will not cause a chemical reaction
The materials of JVTIA ds18b20 sensor are good quality and its design is appealing. Its coating can effectively protect the geometrical stability of the product
JVTIA ds18b20 sensor is manufactured and processed by superior raw materials. The product comes with premium chemical stability, thus it will not cause a chemical reaction
This product has been tested for good performance and durability. It can be cut and divided according to the specifications required by customers