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How to design the air duct beautifully

by:JVTIA     2022-03-18
More and more modern buildings adopt large-span structures without columns. The interior is the arc top of the grid structure, the spherical top, and the arrangement of the air distribution duct system can be arranged in batches according to the architectural style, or in the form of a garden-shaped oval-shaped closed platform. Not only beautiful and generous, but also make the air more uniform. It can be distinguished according to the size of the mesh when matched with the mesh ceiling. For the small-hole mesh ceiling, the air duct can be installed in the form of a gypsum ceiling. For the large-hole mesh ceiling, the air duct can be directly arranged on the grid ceiling. On the top, the arrangement position and the opening direction of the air duct system are matched, and the air outlet effect can be fully required. There are some places with large air supply and high aesthetics, and the closed table design can be used in the test. Along the corners of the closed table, steel receivers, etc. form a combined operation. be consistent. The closed design is not only beautiful, but also makes the air more stable, which is compatible with the clapper type. , It can be used to go abroad for public use. The continuous groove of the three camps is limited, and the aluminum table gold slides with the air ducts are installed like a semi-circle, which saves space and has good aesthetics. The interior decoration of modern buildings is more and more colorful and full of personality. , The layout of the air duct system can be used in conjunction with the decoration. Compatible with gypsum ceilings, especially suspended ceilings of various shapes, semi-circle or quarter-dome installation cannot be used. The concave phase of the shape of the table can be opened on the ceiling, and the wind camp can be installed in the groove according to the site conditions. The size of the output part, and the lighting, the effect is better.
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