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Industrial RTD is the principle of measuring temperature changes

by:JVTIA     2022-04-14
In the development of the industrial wave, thermal resistance and thermocouple inspection instruments have been used a lot, which has changed people's level of temperature control. Through the use of such instruments, the process of industrial production can be monitored and controlled in an all-round way. . Everyone does not know much about the inspection principles of thermal resistance and thermocouple. In fact, there are still certain differences in the basic principles of measurement of thermal resistance and thermocouple. At the same time, they also have certain common points and similarities. Thermal resistance is mainly based on the principle of thermal effect of resistance to sense temperature. Its specific explanation is that the resistance of the resistor body changes with the change of temperature. Therefore, as long as there is a temperature fluctuation, even if it is a small fluctuation, the thermal resistance can sense it, and the temperature can be accurately measured to achieve the design effect requirements. At present, according to the different thermal resistance wires, it is mainly divided into two types of thermal resistances: metal thermal resistance and semiconductor thermistor. The resistance value and temperature of noble metal thermal resistance can usually be expressed by the following approximate relationship, that is, Rtu003dRt0[1+α(t-t0)] In the formula, Rt is the resistance value at temperature t; Rt0 is the temperature t0 (usually t0u003d0°C) corresponds to the resistance value; α is the temperature coefficient. The relationship between the resistance value and temperature of the semiconductor thermistor is Rtu003dAeB/t where Rt is the resistance value when the temperature is t; A and B depend on the constant of the structure of the semiconductor material. After comparing the two, the temperature coefficient of the thermistor is larger, and the resistance value at room temperature is higher (usually more than a few thousand ohms), but the interchangeability is poor, the nonlinearity is severe, and the temperature measurement range is only -50~300 ℃, many of them are used for temperature inspection and control of home appliances and cars. Metal thermal resistance is usually suitable for temperature measurement in the range of -200~500℃. It is characterized by accurate measurement, good stability and reliable performance. It is widely used in process control. Metal thermal resistors commonly used in industry are seen from the change of resistance with temperature. Most metal conductors have this property, but not all of them can be used as temperature measuring thermal resistors. Metal materials used as thermal resistors usually require: as large and stable as possible The temperature coefficient and resistivity should be large (reduce the size of the sensor under the same sensitivity), stable chemical and physical properties in the operating temperature range, good imitation of the material, and the resistance value should have an inter-value function relationship with temperature changes. .
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The temperature sensor manufacturers resistance temperature detector is also available as a RTD supplier.
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