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Pressure type thermometer is swing control navigation assistant

by:JVTIA     2020-11-26
Many different kinds of thermometer, can be seen in various fields, especially in industrial thermometer, in industrial thermometer, there's a thermometer is made of the best, seismic, can overcome the swing, brought sea work workers help! It is a best thermometer, it is the pressure type thermometer. When it comes to pressure type thermometer, just as its name implies is to use to indicate the size of the temperature, pressure is so specific how to operate? We are from its differences with bimetallic thermometer to introduce. First of all, its temperature range in - usually 80 - Between 400 c, its temperature than the bimetallic thermometer temperature measurement range of the limitations of a lot of, and the relationship with capillary line, will cause a certain degree of heat loss and response time is limited. Secondly, high pressure type thermometer security protection performance. Operator can according to the temperature of the measured medium point, set up the safety line temperature, when the actual temperature more than set temperature, the thermometer will automatically cut off the wire, protective equipment and signal security. Again, which has the function of far point transmission pressure type thermometer, can help us in the field of industrial measurement of different liquids, gases and steam temperature, to transmit a temperature capillary line to dial, dial indicates that temperature, convenient remote monitoring. Finally, the pressure type thermometer through the bulb in the volume of a gas or liquid with temperature and the physical properties of change, made the contact temperature sensor. Pressure changes made in the table of spring tube bent, produce shift and then through the drive mechanism drives the pointer on the dial indicator changes of temperature. This is the working principle of pressure type thermometer! Listen to so many, is for the people who work on board to find the assistant? With pressure type thermometer, holds the sailing swing status at any time. 。 。 。 。 。
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