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Reasons for the difficulty of starting the common plate flange air duct

by:JVTIA     2022-06-19
There are many users who report that the common plate flange air duct will be difficult to start after using for a period of time. In fact, it is mainly caused by the lack of correct use and maintenance of the rolling machine. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to It is necessary to operate the common plate flange air duct in the correct way, and to perform reasonable maintenance on the rolling machine on a regular basis. Reasons why the common plate flange air duct is difficult to move:    1. When the rolled body, that is, the profile or the load of the rigid section is too large, it will become difficult to start. Therefore, experts suggest that the equipment should be used strictly in accordance with the operation manual. , the volume of profile rolls shall not exceed the specified range.   2. When the motor power is smaller than the rated power, it may be difficult to start.   3. When the load is insufficient, the common plate flange air duct will also be difficult to start. According to the traditional design calculation method of the power meter consumption of the common plate flange air duct, if the load is insufficient, it means that the number of rolled profiles and the quality of the profiles will be reduced. The mechanical bump effect of the device is also reduced accordingly, and the power consumption will be reduced accordingly. But the reality is not the case. In fact, if the load is insufficient, the power consumption will be greater than that of the normal load. In severe cases, the common plate flange air duct will be very difficult to start. Precautions for the use of the common plate flange air duct:  1. Check whether the components of the common plate flange air duct are normal, whether the electrical equipment is in good condition, whether the hydraulic and lubricating systems are in good condition and comfortable, and the fastening screws must not be loose.  2. The common-plate flanged air duct shall strictly adjust the reel distance according to the thickness of the steel plate, and shall not be overloaded. It is recommended to replace the hydraulic oil of the common plate flange air duct once a year to clean up the oil tank sludge, clean the water cooler in time to prevent the oil temperature from rising and cause accelerated aging of the oil quality. Of course, the common plate flange air duct is completely trivial, the circuit safety door switch, the oil circuit The pressure relief valve, mechanical safety stop, and machine warning light must be checked for normal operation during maintenance.
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