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Thermocouple head

The Calorimeter Temperature Sensor

by:JVTIA     2020-06-06
The development of the C-3500 flame intensity calorimeter was primarily for the measurement of combustion chamber heat fluxes in power generating facilities. The calorimeter temperature sensor allows the direct and instantaneous power evaluation of combustion chamber gasses for best stoichiometric fuel/air mix. Additionally, the calorimeter is widely moved to verifying heat source intensities at different cracking tower stations along the complete oil refinery process, which assures process repeatability. Another essential application is applied for the flame testing of materials and components under Federal Aviation Regulations. Other applications include power generation, hotbox flame control, jet exhaust output, natural gas energy content, reactor output, furnace intensity and several ASTM flame test evaluations. The flame intensity temperature sensor is an a particular.00 - 2.00 inch diameter, rod because of this placed in direct along with the heated gasses. The signal generated is directly proportional to the local heat flux; a radial traverse of the source yields a measure of this total power output. The sensor yields D.C. millivolt signals that can be measured with conventional millivolt meters or recorders. How the Calorimeter Works The C-3500-3600 Flame Calorimeter is to become inserted through a port in to the combustion gas flood. The HT-50 High Temperature Heat Flux Transducer has been welded and heat sunk with a location 50mm from the end of the C-3500 Probe(C-3600 has sensor at tip of probe). The location of this sensor is on liquids side as the water discharge port and contains been temporarily marked for your leisure. This location should be noted and situated positive the combustion gasses impinge directly upon it. Best detected fluxes will occur when the sensor location is at 900 or at a stagnation reveal the flame front. The calorimeter includes an inner water feeding tube within the hollow cylindrical probe. Cool water enters through the interior tube and flows out through the annular gap between the interior tube and inner wall of the outer probe tube. A control system varies the rate of flow of water to maintain the inside temperature of the probe wall at the continuing value. Water coolant in order to supplied for the probes rear inlet at a flow rate of ten to twenty Liters/Minute. Boiling of the cooling water must do not be allowed, lengthy high thermal flux rates, the water/coolant flow rate must be increased up until the exit water temp is tepid. A typical heat flux is calculated by multiplying the C-3500-3600 Calibration Constant by the measured DC micro-voltage.
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