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The characteristics and advantages of thermocouple index number

by:JVTIA     2021-01-06
Thermocouple and bimetallic thermometer compare their advantages is what?

thermocouple and bimetallic thermometer between the two is very close, just at the time of measurement temperature, bimetallic thermometer is suitable for use in the detection of low temperature state of the scene, in the process of measurement can measure the gas medium of minus eighty degrees Celsius to five hundred degrees Celsius temperature and the temperature of the liquid vapor, mostly used in high temperature industrial thermocouple, while in low temperature environment is the use of bimetallic thermometer is reasonable, the main components and bimetallic thermometer is made up of one or more pieces of metal to overlap the multilayer metal plates, using their swelling degrees of different in different temperature as a principle of work, when one end is after thermal expansion occurs, pointer will be driven to rotate, the instrument will show on the corresponding temperature value.

believe we all know, thermocouple index number can be classified into several kinds of metal, thermocouple, there is also a cheap metal thermocouple. The next project to the dividing simple component types.

S index number: particularly strong antioxidant, precision is the highest, comparison was used as a standard thermocouple.

R index number: # and S dividing many performance is basically the same, just electromotive force will be about 15% larger than the S.

B dividing number: can be used under the condition of oxidation, also can be used under vacuum conditions in a short time, but its electromotive force under the room temperature is very small.

N index number: resistance to low temperature resistance to radiation, thermoelectric emfs is stable, strong antioxidant capacity also.

K index number: strong antioxidant, under the condition of oxidation can continue to use, wide use range.

E index number: sensitivity is very high, can continue to use in the oxidizing atmosphere.

J index number: not only can use in oxidizing atmosphere and reducing atmosphere, also compare to corrosion.

T index number: belong to inexpensive metal thermocouple accuracy is the best.

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key words: thermal resistance, thermocouple, thermal resistance, platinum resistance, PT100, PT1000, pressure sensor and digital temperature sensor
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