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Thermocouple head

The description of several types of platinum-rhodium thermocouples with different indexing numbers

by:JVTIA     2022-02-01
Platinum and rhodium thermocouples are also called high temperature precious metal thermocouples. They are divided into three types: type S thermocouple (platinum and rhodium 10-platinum thermocouple), type R thermocouple (platinum and rhodium 13-platinum thermocouple) and type B thermocouple (platinum and rhodium 30-platinum and rhodium 6 Thermocouple). They are mainly divided into single platinum rhodium and double platinum rhodium. They are suitable for various high temperature applications. The S-type thermocouple is one of the platinum-rhodium thermocouples commonly used in the domestic industry. Due to the high measurement temperature, ordinary stainless steel protection tubes can only withstand high temperatures as high as 1000 degrees, and stainless steel protection tubes that can withstand more than 1000 degrees are expensive. Therefore, corundum ceramic protection tubes are commonly used, and high-purity corundum tubes can withstand temperatures as high as 1600 degrees or even higher. Although it can withstand high temperatures, it also has its shortcomings. Ceramics are easily damaged when impacted by external forces. Therefore, we will customize wooden boxes and add hanging baskets for transportation during packaging. S type thermocouple (platinum rhodium 10-platinum thermocouple): Platinum rhodium 10-platinum thermocouple (s-type thermocouple) is a precious metal thermocouple. The diameter of the coupling wire is specified as 0.5 mm, and the allowable deviation is -0.015 mm. The nominal chemical composition of the positive electrode (sp) is platinum-rhodium alloy, containing 10% rhodium and 90% platinum, and the negative electrode (SN) is pure platinum, so it is generally It is called a single platinum rhodium thermocouple. The long-term high working temperature of the modified thermocouple is 1300℃, and the short-term high working temperature is 1600℃. Type R thermocouple (platinum rhodium 13-platinum thermocouple): Platinum rhodium 13-platinum thermocouple (type R thermocouple) is a precious metal thermocouple. The diameter of the coupling wire is specified as 0.5 mm, and the allowable deviation is -0.015 mm. The nominal chemical composition of the positive electrode (RP) is platinum-rhodium alloy, including 13% rhodium and 87% platinum, and the negative electrode (RN) is pure platinum, which is very high. The long-term use temperature is 1300°C, and the very high short-term use temperature is 1600°C. Type B thermocouple (platinum rhodium 30-platinum rhodium 6 thermocouple): Platinum rhodium 30-platinum rhodium 6 thermocouple (type b thermocouple) is a precious metal thermocouple. The diameter of the coupling line is specified as 0.5 mm, and the allowable deviation is -0.015 mm. The nominal chemical composition of the positive electrode is platinum-rhodium alloy, including 30% rhodium and 70% platinum, and the negative electrode is platinum-rhodium alloy with a rhodium content of 6%, so it is usually called a dual platinum-rhodium thermocouple. The long-term high working temperature of the thermocouple is 1600℃, and the short-term high working temperature is 1800℃.
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