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Thermocouple head

The installation of the bimetallic thermometer common sense

by:JVTIA     2021-01-19
At the time of installation of bimetallic thermometer, pay attention to is helpful for accurate temperature measurement, safety and maintenance is convenient, and don't affect the operation of equipment and production operation, to meet some requirements, in the choice of thermal resistance of the installation site and insertion depth when should pay attention to the following: in order to make the measurement of thermal resistance and had good heat exchange between the measured medium, to reasonably select the location of the measuring point, try to avoid the valve, elbow, pipe and equipment heat resistance near the corner of the installation. With a protective casing thermal resistance of heat transfer and heat loss, in order to reduce the error in the measurement, thermocouple and thermal resistance will have enough insert depth; For thermal resistance temperature center fluid, usually have the measuring end is inserted into the pipe center, if the current body pipe diameter is two hundred mm, so heat resistance insertion depth will choose one hundred mm; For high temperature and high pressure and high velocity of temperature measurement, in order to reduce cases of fluid resistance and prevent cases break under the action of a fluid, can take protecting tube light way.
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