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Thermocouple head

The main characteristic of thermocouple junction welding hot and main features

by:JVTIA     2020-11-07
Thermocouple junction welding hot mainly has the following characteristics:
(1) hot spot welding no pollution.
in the high-strength electric field under the action of welding machine, 3 ~ 5 s time to platinum rhodium thermocouple platinum rhodium wire welded together by itself of the positive and negative end. Because do not need to plus any material medium, operation process to avoid the wire and the solder joint pollution phenomenon.

2) solder joints evenly, accurate and high efficiency.
platinum-rhodium thermocouple platinum rhodium wire welding when the positive and negative cross shaped, solder joint is superposition of two wire diameter, wire thickness unchanged, each solder joints are the same size, realize the request of the hot spots are uniform. 1 mm. Checked by actual measured with working experience of operators, a week can be processed per hour platinum rhodium wire for 350 ~ 540.

3. Save 10% ~ 15% platinum rhodium wire, electric arc welding platinum rhodium wire, each is negative I need burning-out 3 to 5 mm, used to form a round ball solder joints, 27 mm wire, if do need to cut wire ( Platinum and platinum rhodium wire) The 30 ~ 32 mm. 5 mm material. More than 5 mm

is the main characteristic of intersection welding hot and main characteristics, which is to ensure that the thermocouple with an important point, standard thermocouple is refers to the national standard specifies its thermoelectric potential and the relationship between temperature, permissible error, and a unified standard score table of thermocouple, it has with matching display instrument to choose from. Non-standard thermocouple or on the order of magnitude less than the range using standardized thermocouple, generally no unified indexing table, mainly used for the measurement of some special occasions. Thermocouple cannot be installed in a few measured medium flowing area, when measured with thermocouple tube gas temperature, thermocouple must be made against the flow direction of installation, and fully contact with the gas.
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