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Thermocouple head

The manufacturer introduces the working principle of high temperature resistant platinum rhodium thermocouple

by:JVTIA     2022-03-01
Working principle of high temperature platinum-rhodium thermocouple: two conductors with different components (called thermocouple wire or thermode) are connected at both ends to form a loop. When the temperature of the junction is different, an electromotive force will occur in the loop. This phenomenon It is called the thermoelectric effect, and this electromotive force is called thermoelectric potential. Thermocouples use this principle to measure temperature. Among them, the end that is directly used to measure the temperature of the medium is called the working end (also called the measurement end), and the other end is called the cold end (also called the compensation end); the cold end and the The display surface or matching surface connection, the display surface will indicate the thermoelectric potential generated by the thermocouple. A thermocouple is actually an energy converter that converts thermal energy into electrical energy, and uses the generated thermoelectric potential to measure temperature. Regarding the thermoelectric potential of a thermocouple, the thermoelectric potential of a thermocouple is the difference between the temperature functions of the two ends of the thermocouple, not The function of the temperature difference between the two ends of the thermocouple, the size of the thermoelectric potential generated by the thermocouple, when the thermocouple material is uniform, has nothing to do with the length and diameter of the thermocouple, only the composition of the thermocouple material and the temperature difference between the two ends. When the data composition of the two thermocouple wires of the thermocouple is confirmed, the size of the thermoelectric potential of the thermocouple is only related to the temperature difference of the thermocouple; if the temperature of the cold end of the thermocouple remains constant, the thermoelectric potential of the thermocouple is only the working end. A single-valued function of temperature. The conductors or semiconductors A and B of two different materials are welded together to form a closed loop.
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