The temperature sensor new standards
it is understood that the industrial platinum resistance thermometer is a kind of wide application and a large number of temperature measuring instrument, almost in each temperature measurement of industries and departments have used. Table matching as heat temperature sensor, for example, at present our country each year table is only used to heat the temperature sensor of more than 6 million industrial platinum resistance thermometer, its measurement accuracy is vital for the table the heat, heat metering. But because of poor production technology and testing technology, the measurement accuracy of a large number of industrial platinum resistance thermometer can't get scientific measure, its a good linear relationship between the characteristic of high precision, good stability, and have not been fully excavated and intensive study.
researcher at the institute of metrology zhi-jun jin, domestic and foreign relevant technical standards or technical specifications of the CVD (widely used in 卡- VanDusen) Equation of heat calculation method for the industrial platinum resistance thermometer measurement test. But this method the accuracy is not high, the stability is low, the bigger problems such as uncertainty, make the industrial platinum resistance thermometer can not be used as a transfer standard. Therefore, the majority of industrial temperature measurement or request is not high in the field of metering station, test center with a standard mercury thermometer or standard platinum resistance thermometer for traceability transfer standard, the two methods can not meet the actual needs.
in the field of real industrial temperature measurement, due to various constraints, the standard platinum resistance thermometer are often not used; And mercury thermometer to use cumbersome and potential hazards to the health and the environment and pollution, Europe, the United States has showed that will gradually cancel the use of mercury thermometer. The disadvantages of standard platinum resistance thermometer and mercury thermometer temperature dissemination and traceability in the field of industrial temperature measurement cannot be achieved, the serious influence the normal conduct of the temperature measurement and experiment. In this case, to establish scientific and reasonable and applicable standard of the industrial platinum resistance thermometer is very urgent and necessary. To solve this problem, China institute of metrology was started in 2010 for related research.
zhi-jun jin is introduced, mainly study the ITS - the subject 1990 international temperature scale definition of interpolation formula for the industrial platinum resistance thermometer to define the feasibility of the assignment, and the temperature equation of CVD - generally Resistance relationship compared the calculation results, which shows the differences between, forming a precision industrial platinum resistance thermometer as the standard for transmission way and the method. Through different models, different manufacturers more than the industrial platinum resistance thermometer in different zones respectively to carry out research and analysis, the result of the experiment, the data curve of each thermometer using two different methods measuring error caused by dividing. Experimental results show: ITS - 1990 international temperature scale interpolation method is used for the industrial platinum resistance thermometer is feasible, and the traditional heat CVD equation used for the industrial platinum resistance thermometer calibration, compared to the calculation method of dividing has good accuracy and consistency.
previously, improve the industrial platinum resistance thermometer temperature measurement accuracy and stability of the main means to improve the purity of components, to improve the packaging technology, improve the production process, etc. , the subject is from the calculation method presents a new way of thinking and new method, for precision industrial platinum resistance thermometer temperature dissemination in our country and the improvement of the traceability system laid a foundation. Can be widely used in the field of industrial temperature measurement, to improve the measurement accuracy, establish the industrial platinum resistance thermometer standard mercury thermometer temperature measuring system, alternative research has important significance.
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key words: thermal resistance, thermocouple, thermal resistance, platinum resistance, PT100, PT1000, pressure sensor and digital temperature sensor