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What should be paid attention to when installing the ventilation duct of the fume purifier?

by:JVTIA     2022-07-16
The effect of oil fume purification in the catering industry is not only related to oil fume purifiers, but also the quality of on-site installations, especially pipeline installation, has a great impact on later maintenance costs and workload. The following is a brief introduction to the main problems that should be paid attention to when erecting a range hood ventilation duct: 1. When installing a ventilation duct, the first thing to consider is the safety Factors: 1. Whether the hoisting process of the indoor hoisting part of the pipeline is firm, and whether the hoisting spacing is reasonable. Whether the pipe spacing is too large to cause the casing to fall off the pipe. 2. On-site inspection of the outer facade of the wall should be carried out for the outdoor frame pipe, especially for high-rise buildings, the firmness of the wall must be determined, and whether it is on the air outlet, to prevent the wall from falling off after the installation of the pipe. 3. Vibration factors (fans, purification equipment) in the operation of air duct connection equipment, etc., equipment with large vibration must be installed with shock absorption devices, and flexible connection methods should be used between air ducts and air ducts. Avoid pipe shedding due to pipe vibration caused by equipment vibration problems. Second, the reasonable degree of installation of the ventilation pipe of the lampblack purifier is an important guarantee for the effect of lampblack purification. 1. Wind speed: The exhaust pipe should not be too small. If the exhaust pipe is too narrow, the wind speed will be too fast, so that the purification device cannot effectively absorb the oil fume. 2. Air equalization: Due to problems in the pipeline erection, there will be many pipe elbows and branch pipes. In this case, the pipeline erection should consider the problem of equalizing the air in the pipeline and the purification equipment. 3. Pressure loss: Due to the limitations of some on-site installation conditions, the configuration of fans and pipelines should fully consider the pressure loss of pipelines. Do a good job of matching the pipeline pressure and the fan. 3. Process factors for the assumed connection of the pipes: Because the catering oil fume duct will have oil accumulation, and the annual accumulation of oil will cause oil leakage at the connection of the pipes, so the sealing performance of the installation and installation of the pipes has been considered, and it is recommended to use the pipe connection. Flange + sealing strip installed. If conditions and costs do not allow, rubber seals and tube outer seals can be made.
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