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With protective casing installation of thermocouple and need to know what time _ instrument

by:JVTIA     2020-10-28
With protective casing thermocouple installation need to know the time for the installation of the thermocouple, should pay attention to accurate temperature measurement, safety examination and maintenance is convenient, and does not affect the equipment operation and production operations. To meet the above requirements, when choosing the thermocouple installation site and insertion depth should pay attention to the following: 1, in order to make the measurement end of the thermocouple, and had good heat exchange between the measured medium, should be a reasonable choice of observation, try to avoid the valve, elbow and pipe and equipment near the corner of the furnish thermocouple or thermocouple. 2, with a protection casing with heat transfer and heat loss, in order to reduce the measurement error, thermocouple should have enough: (insert depth 1) For the measurement of pipeline fluid temperature thermocouple, generally should be measuring end is inserted into the pipe ( Vertical or inclined installation) 。 As the current body of pipe diameter is 200 mm, the thermocouple insertion depth should choose 100 mm; ( 2) Thermocouple temperature measurement for high temperature and high pressure and high velocity ( Such as main steam temperature) , in order to reduce cases of fluid resistance and prevent cases break under the action of a fluid, can take protecting tube shallow inserted way or use hot thermocouple. Shallow inserted type thermocouple protection tube, its depth into the steam pipe should be no less than 75 mm; The standard of thermocouple insertion depth is 100 mm; ( 3) If is need to measure the temperature of flue gas, although the flue is 4 m in diameter, thermocouple insertion depth of 1 m. ( 4) When the belt protection casing thermocouple to measure the original insertion depth of more than 1 m, shall be installed vertically, as far as possible or add racks and protect casing application places: suitable for steam pipe, boiler and other requirements for temperature, pressure, flow rate. The main technical parameters of electrical exports: M20x1. 5, NPT1/2 connection size: M20x1. 5, NPT1/2 protection grade: IP65
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