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About the cleaning and maintenance of fabric air duct

Fabric air duct because of its light and fast, cheap and convenient, become the favourite of the new generation in the market. At the same time, different from the traditional iron duct, fabric air duct is easy to disassemble and install, and more popular in the market. Today we will talk about the cleaning and maintenance of fabric air duct.

1.In the frozen environment and food processing and other clean requirements of the place

Such sites generally use the NS mode of high permeability air supply mode, the use of such systems, effective long-term maintenance is very important. Without proper cleaning and maintenance, the service life of the system will be reduced. According to the requirements of different working conditions, it is generally recommended that the cleaning cycle is better every three months. It is particularly important to point out that: because air duct system is permeable fiber, when air duct system is used in the environment with a lot of food fiber, grease, solid small particles and dust, these substances are easy to adhere to the fiber and deteriorate, so it is necessary to shorten the cleaning time of air duct system: Ordinary fiber fabric every 1-2 months, antibacterial fiber fabric cleaning interval is a little longer, 3-5 months, to ensure the clean and service life of air duct system.

2.In commercial and public places

Such sites typically use small - or medium-permeability air supply modes depending on the height of the system installation. With this permeability of fiber, most of the air is delivered through the jet hole, fiber clogging is not our direct concern, and the system is usually installed in a higher space, we believe that there is no need to clean over a longer time range. When discovery system fiber congestion is serious and when work in low efficiency of the state, or the system exists obviously dust on the surface, we need to clean the system but with the national requirements of cleaning air conditioning and ventilation systems in public places every year compulsory maintenance of hygiene requirements, general advice cleaning cycle shortened to 6 months - 1 year. Once a month, using antibacterial fiber fabric cleaning interval is slightly longer, 3-5 months once, in order to ensure the clean and service life of air duct system.

3.In the public industrial plants, large sports venues and other places

Such sites typically use small - or medium-permeability air supply modes depending on the height of the system installation. With this permeability of fiber, most of the air is delivered through the jet hole, fiber clogging is not our direct concern, and the system is usually installed in a higher space, we believe that there is no need to clean over a longer time range. When it is found that the system fiber clogging is more serious and the work in low efficiency such places generally adopt the minimal permeation or micro permeation air supply mode. For industrial plants, the system is usually installed in a higher space, so the system cleaning and maintenance requirements are the lowest, according to the requirements of different working conditions, the general recommended cleaning cycle is 2-3 years. For commercial and public places, the cleaning time can be appropriately extended according to different working conditions, and the cleaning cycle is generally recommended to be 1-2 years.

About the cleaning and maintenance of fabric air duct 1

Air duct cleaning acceptance standard

Turn the dirty side out, soak in cold water for 15-30 minutes, according to the degree of dirty, appropriate use of detergent (without softener);

Wash with cold or warm water (not more than 35℃), do not twist;

Rinse thoroughly and shake dry, should be dried in the shade, do not expose to the sun, so as not to wrinkle due to heat;

Highly contaminated systems may need to be cleaned multiple times;

The qualified cleaning standard is that the surface is clean and tidy without any attachments. In the case of serious pollution, the fiber may become dark in the process of cleaning.

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