Follow the instructions and you will find that installing accurate temperature sensor is not too difficult. If you have any questions, please let us help you. Our company provides professional after-sales support to smoothly start and run products continuously. The continuous service of our experts ensures that your products have a satisfying experience. We provide you with the most experienced support.
After a few years of development, Shanghai Jiutian Automation Equipment Co., Ltd has become a well-established company that specializes in the R&D and manufacturing of digital temperature sensor. Jiutian produces a number of different product series, including dial thermometer. The product is free of any objectionable odor. The toxic fragrance chemicals that may cause bad smell are totally removed at the production stage. It requires no additional nails or nuts for installation. We have built JVTIA into a leading thermocouple head manufacturer with the painstaking efforts of our staff and considerate service. The product passes low temperature and high temperature tests.
We work with our suppliers to educate and motivate them to deliver higher sustainability options and standards and to understand sustainable travel behavior.
Phone: +86 13816377866
Add:NO999, Sunqiao RD, Pudong area, Shanghai, China