RTD] is a product that is very important to us. We attach great importance to all the details from raw materials to after-sales support. You can find more information on the official website. It is developed by the R&D team with great efforts. Then its manufacturing process supervised and its quality is inspected. You need to tell us about the needs, target markets and customers. All of this will be the basis for our product introduction.
Being one of the most professional manufacturers, Shanghai Jiutian Automation Equipment Co., Ltd enjoys a good reputation for providing high-quality thermocouple probe. Jiutian's thermocouple head series contains multiple sub-products. The manufacture of JVTIA thermistor temperature sensor involves several stages. They mainly include the installations of cams, shafts, and bearing, the design of injection-molded plastic parts, fixtures, and gauges. It will not react with gas, oil, or other substances. Closely following the pace of the industry, Jiutian regards technological innovation as the method and takes market demand as the guide. We actively introduce advanced production equipment and manufacturing technology at home and abroad. We constantly improve and innovate our products. We make sure that Thermowell is a qualified product with reliable safety, solidness, and durability.
Jiutian sincerely invites your visit to our factory. Welcome to visit our factory!
Phone: +86 13816377866
Email: jimmy011@126.com
Add:NO999, Sunqiao RD, Pudong area, Shanghai, China