There are many ways to evaluate the quality of the products. You can check the certificates. Our DS18B20 has been approved by a number of certifications. You can check our certificates on our website. You can see the product quality through the raw materials we use, our facility, our production technology, and process, as well as our quality management system. We can also send samples to you for reference. And if you want to get more assurance and peace of mind, we welcome you to visit our factory.
Regarded as a dependable manufacturer and supplier, Shanghai Jiutian Automation Equipment Co., Ltd has become the preferred choice of designing and manufacturing digital temperature sensor. Jiutian's pt100 series include multiple types. The product is strongly resistant to lime and other residues that will cause permanent damage at a molecular level. The product has wide application fields, like the power industry, petrochemical industry and metallurgical industry. Jiutian is strong in production capability with rich production experience and advanced production technology. We are able to provide high-quality thermocouple extension wire and customization according to customers' requirements.
Our reliable quality of pt100 will definitely satisfy you. Ask!
Phone: +86 13816377866
Add:NO999, Sunqiao RD, Pudong area, Shanghai, China