To purchase Thermistor from Shanghai Jiutian Automation Equipment Co., Ltd, customers can place an order through our order placing system. It is featured by quick response, no delay operation, and high automation. We develop a system based on our years of experience partnering with the software company. Customers can place an order by filling a form which includes the purchase quantity, delivery methods, expected arrival time and personal information. We will ensure the confidentiality of the information and timely arrange the manufacturing of the product.
Jiutian is as one of the key market players in the industry. We have core competency for providing high-quality temperature sensor. The digital temperature sensor series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. JVTIA rtd thermocouple is guaranteed with a high safety level. During the designing stage, various elements considering its safety are seriously considered, including electrical safety, mechanical security, and personal safety of operators. It provides a wide measuring range of temperatures. Jiutian has highly automatic production equipment and advanced testing equipment. This effectively ensures high quality and excellent performance of thermocouple extension wire.
We will serve you with our best pt100 and service. Get more info!
Phone: +86 13816377866
Add:NO999, Sunqiao RD, Pudong area, Shanghai, China