
Expert Thermocouple & RTD &Temperature Sensor Manufacturer.


Side Connection Customized Temperature Range Bimetal Thermometer

JVTIA AUTO bimetallic thermometer is a field measuring instrument for measuring medium and low temperatures.

JVTIA AUTO bimetallic thermometer is a field measuring instrument for measuring medium and low temperatures. It is possible to directly measure the temperature of liquid steam and gas medium within the range of -80 °C to 500 °C in various production processes. The working principle of bimetallic thermometers is based on the composition of bimetallic sheets that are wound into circular bending. When one end is heated and expanded, the pointer is driven. rotation, The thermometer shows the temperature value of the thermal potential.


Temperature on site, easy to see. Safe and reliable, long service life; Multiple structural forms that meet different requirements.

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Phone: +86 13816377866
Email: jimmy011@126.com
Add:NO999, Sunqiao RD, Pudong area, Shanghai, China


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