Temperature sensor of thermocouple cold end temperature compensation due to the thermocouple temperature sensor material is generally more expensive ( Especially when using precious metals) And temperature measuring points are far away the distance to the instrument, in order to save thermocouple materials, reduce cost, usually adopt the compensating conductor of the cold junction of the thermocouple temperature sensor ( The free end) Reaches to the relatively stable control indoor temperature and connected to the meter terminals. It must be pointed out that the effect of temperature sensor thermocouple compensation wire only extend thermal electrode, making of the cold junction of the thermocouple temperature sensor to the meter terminals on the control room, which itself does not eliminate the cold end temperature change on the influence of temperature, no compensation. So, still need to take some of the other correction method to compensate of the cold end temperature t0 indicates influence on measuring temperature 0 ℃. Must pay attention to when using temperature sensor thermocouple compensating conductor model match, cannot be wrong polarity, compensation conductor should be connected to the thermocouple temperature sensor to the temperature should not exceed 100 ℃.
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Email: jimmy011@126.com
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